VPO PO Mods Tutorial

The PO Mods Module is used to track the modifications against a purchase order.

  1. Select PO Mods from the Project Costs Menu, and click on +New


    This tutorial is for creating a new PO Mod. For more information on how to view or edit the PO, click View and Edit Items.


    There are multiple ways to look at PO Mods with the use of views. The views available are:
    ▪ *All PO Mods
    ▪ *Approved PO Mods
    ▪ *Late PO Mods

    To learn more about views, click here

  2. Enter the following information in the PURCHASE ORDER MODIFICATION Section:


    Any field with an asterisk * is a required field and must be entered.

    Title: Enter a descriptive title for the PO Mod
    PO Mod Number: This will be populated with the next consecutive number after the record is saved.
    PO Mod Status: A drop-down of the status for the PO Mod which defaults to New.
    Ball-in-Court: The user who should be made aware of this item and is currently responsible for the item. When the record is saved an e-mail is sent to the Ball-in-Court. This will occur every time the Ball-in-Court is changed.
    Cc: Any additional users who should be aware of this item. When the record is saved an e-mail is sent to all listed in the Cc field.  This will occur every time the Ball-in-Court is changed.


    ▪ All BIC / Cc emails are tracked in the Email Notice Log.
    ▪ If there is no Ball-in-Court listed, users in the Cc column will not receive any notifications.
    ▪ If a user is added to the Cc column, only that user will be notified of their addition.
    ▪ If users are added as individuals and as a member of a group, they will only receive one notification email.

  3. Enter the following information in the GENERAL INFORMATION Section.

    Description: A description of the modification being requested
    Description of Change: A description of the change being requested
    Approved Change $: The sum of the PO Mods Line Items dollar amount
    Approved Change in Days: The count of the number of days from the PO Mods Line Items
    Requested Response Date: The date the response is requested by
    Initiated By: The user initiating this PO Mod (This will default to the user entering the PO Mod but can be modified)
    Initiated Date: The date the PO Mod is being initiated (This will default to the current date but can be modified)

  4. Use the LINE ITEMS Section to add line items to the PO Mods. Click +New entry and enter the following:

    PO Lookup: Select the PO Line Item to associate this modification with
    PO Mod Line Number: Enter the line number for this PO Mod Line Item
    Title: A descriptive name for the PO Mod Line Item
    Change ($): The amount of the PO modification line item. 
    Change in Days: he number of days the PO modification will change the schedule.


    Click Save and Close when done entering one line item.

  5. Use the DISCUSSION Section for any discussions during the process

    Discussion: Enter any discussion items here.  Each entry will be date and time stamped and show the user who entered the discussion information.

  6. Use the REVIEW Section to review and approve the PO Mod.

    Reviewed By: The user reviewing this PO Mod
    Reviewed Date: The date the PO Mod is being reviewed

  7. Use the ATTACHMENTS Section to add or view any attachments for the PO Mod


    To learn how to attach files, click here


    When finished entering information, click Save and Continue or Save and Close

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