Most lists, logs, reports, and forms in VPO can be printed or exported in a variety of formats.
- To print a view of the entire list or log, click Print in the toolbar. To print only specific items, select them using the checkmarks on the left side of the list before clicking the Print button.
- In the window that opens, you will see a preview of the printed report. If you are printing the complete list or have manually selected more than one item, you can select other filtered views by using the Template field.
Templates are setup with assistance from your VPO Solution Consultant.
- To print or export the view, click one of the following buttons:
a. The printer icon will open a print window.
b. The PDF, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word icons will automatically download the document as a PDF, Excel (.xlsx), or Word (.docx) file into your default download folder.
c. The envelope icon will allow you to email the information without leaving your browser:
- To add recipients, click the '+' icon to the right of the To:, CC:, or BCC: fields. This will allow you to choose to add yourself (“Me”), other VPO users (“Users”), users in predefined lists (“Contact list”, “View”), or a list of email addresses separated by a comma or semi-colon (“E-mail addresses”). Click Add at the end of each row that you are adding.
- You also have the options to attach the output to the email as a PDF and whether to include documents from the list as attachments.
- Click Send to send the e-mail.