Creating a New View

In any VPO module, you can create customized views to see the data in a way that works best for your workflows. 

  1. To create a custom view, click the view button and select Create New View. Enter the name for your view, select List as the type, and click Create.


    Your new view will only be visible to you. Public views can only be created by VPO.

  2. To edit your view's default settings, click the view button and select Edit Current ViewThese options are only available for views you have created.
    - Columns: Select the checkbox next to each column you want to show in this view. To change the order of the columns, select 'Position from left.'

    - Sort: Select up to two columns to use for sorting and whether they sort in ascending or descending order.

    - Filter: Choose to show all items (default) or pick conditions to use for filtering, example below.


    - To filter based on the current date, you can use the code [Today] in the value field for any Date column.
    - To filter based on your name, you can use [Me] in the value field for any People column.

    - Group By: Choose a column with which you would like to group entries in your view and whether the column sorts in ascending or descending order.

    - Item Limit: To maximize performance you can limit the number of items that display. “Display items in batches of the specified size” will paginate the results using the number you specify. “Limit the total number of items returned to the specified amount” will return ONLY the number of items you specify (ex: a “Top 10 List” type of view).
  3. Click OK at the top of the page to save changes to your view.

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