
Alerts are used to notify users of a new item or a modification to an item. There are two types of alerts available: Add Alert and Alert Me.

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  1. To create an Add Alert, Click on Add Alert from the ribbon at the top of the screen.

    ▪ Click Add new profile
    ▪ On the General Tab, enter the following information:

            ▪ Title:  A title describing the Alert
            ▪ Site:  The site for the Alert
            ▪ List:  The list for Alert
            ▪ Operational:  Check here to make this alert operational

    ▪ On the Recipients tab, enter the following information:

            ▪ To:  When the alert is sent, it will be sent to this person(s)
            ▪ CC:  When the alert is sent, this person(s) will be CC'd
            ▪ BCC:  When the alert is sent, this person(s) will be BCC'd
            ▪ From:  When the alert is sent, it will come from this person(s)
            ▪ Reply to:  This will show as the reply to person(s)
            ▪ Never send to: The alert will never be sent to this person(s)

    ▪ For all of the above, when clicking in the field, the following will display, click the Add button by your selection

            ▪ Current user:  This will add the Current User to the field
            ▪ Person or Group:  Enter in users from the system
            ▪ Persons in column:  A drop-down showing the user fields
            ▪ Contacts:  A drop-down showing the Contacts for the project and the ability to specify a view
            ▪ Addresses:  Manually type in email addresses

    ▪ On the What to send tab, enter the following:

            ▪ Item is added:  Check this to send the alert when an item in this module is added
            ▪ Item is modified:  Check this to send the alert when an item in this module is modified
            ▪ Item is deleted:  Check this to send the alert when an item in this module is deleted
            ▪ According to date in column:  Check this to send the alert based on the date in the column selected in the drop-down (This is populated based on the date fields in the module)
            ▪ Summary of items according to conditions:  MSelect this to send the alert based on the conditions entered

    ▪ On the When to send tab, enter the following:

            ▪ Immediately:  Check this to send the alert as soon as the conditions are met
            ▪ Daily:  Check this to send a daily summary of the alerts for this module (It will prompt for time)
            ▪ Weekly:  Check this to send a weekly summary of the alerts for this module (It will prompt for day and time)
            ▪ Monthly:  Check this to send a monthly summary of the alerts for this module (It will prompt for day and time)
            ▪ Select the appropriate radio button for how to send the alerts.

    ▪ On the Mail templates tab, enter the following:

            ▪ Item is added:  Select the template to send when an item was added
            ▪ Item is modified:  Select the template to send when an item was added
            ▪ Item is deleted:  Select the template to send when an item was added
            ▪ According to date / summary:  Select the template to send when the alert is generated as a summary or according to a date

  2. To create an Alert Me, click on Alert Me from the ribbon at the top of the screen and select Set an alert on this list.

            ▪ Alert Title:  A title describing the Alert
            ▪ Send Alerts To:  Enter user names or e-mail addresses (Must be users of the system)
            ▪ Delivery Method:  Choose to method for the alert delivery
            ▪ Change Type:  Choose under what circumstance to send the alert
            ▪ Send Alerts for These Changes: Choose what changes will kick off an alert.
            ▪ When to Send Alerts:  Choose when the alert should be sent.
    ▪ Click OK when done.

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